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    The SlenderMan Journal Entry's

    In Too Deep
    In Too Deep

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2012-10-09
    Age : 25
    Location : Ellensburg, WA

    The SlenderMan Journal Entry's Empty The SlenderMan Journal Entry's

    Post  CreepyPastaNation Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:15 am

    Hello, my name is Charlie.I live in West Virginia. My mom gave me this journal book for my birthday and ever since i've had so much fun with it. Most of the book is drawings, the others are stuff I don't want to share with you. By the way, I'm 24 years old, don't let that make you think any differently about me. Life isn't easy, I just found out about that a few day's ago when I was camping for celebration of me getting my College Degree. It was pretty good until it started raining. At night it was even more scarier. The wolves were howling, the crickets were clicking, the rain was pitter-patting on the top of my tent. This seems peaceful to you but there's something else I heard. It was the scream of a young girl (not to be all ordinary with the whole "demonic little child" thing) coming from near by. SO, I did what any human would do, I went to inspect. Driven by my curiosity, I headed into the woods (not a really smart Idea when its dark out) and found a gooey substance. It was trailing deeper into the woods. I went back to my tent to sleep the night away, but before I turned off the lights, I noticed that the substance was blood. I had tried to sleep that night, but the fear that whatever was out there might come for me next. When the sun arose I got my hiking boots on, a backpack and anything you would usually bring on a camping trip. I'll give the rest of the story later. I'm going in to find where the scream came from. My findings will be posted soon.

    Last edited by SlenderSuitMan on Sun Jan 13, 2013 3:21 am; edited 1 time in total
    In Too Deep
    In Too Deep

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2012-10-09
    Age : 25
    Location : Ellensburg, WA

    The SlenderMan Journal Entry's Empty Journal Entry #2

    Post  CreepyPastaNation Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:04 pm

    I just got back from that nightmare of a search! I can't even process the amount of fear running through me. Here is what I found: When I followed the blood trail into the woods I heard more screams, they were different every single time. I swear someone, or something was watching me as I got deeper. I checked the trees and the grass, nothing, just more blood. Up the trail as an old cabin that once belonged to a Lumberjack. I had heard about this once when I was young. SOme people said that the place was haunted, and if you go in you will feel like someone is hacking away at your body. Its not true, of coarse. Me and my friends dared each other to go in there one night. I was nominated to go in, it was pretty scary non the less. We had to leave early because of dinner, but while I was still in there I swear I saw a teenager (as it looked to me) wearing a mask. My friends were yelling at me "Get out, its time for dinner!". Oh the memories.

    Anyway back to the present date: I went into the cabin to rest up. There was a picture on the table in which I had set my things down one. I depicted a group of children playing next to the forest. I my first thought was "it must have been taken by the Lumberjack", but I saw something else in the picture, It was standing in the trees. It looked like it was wearing a suit but no body wears a suit when they are in this part of Virginia. SO I figured it was my eyes playing tricks on me. After I was rested up I exited out of the cabin. But there was a dead deer on the trail, it had been cut open and a few of its limbs were missing. It was horrible, I almost puked to the smell. I looked up at the sky to see how much time I had before it was dark when I saw the legs of the deer in the tree above me! I quickly ran forward not even caring what time it was. Later, the screams started again, this time, they weren't human, they were the sounds of a dying moose so it sounded. And it was close to me. I turned around, and I saw this teenager, wearing a mask, staring at me. He just tilted his head and walked into the woods where I could not see him. I scared the shit out of me, it sounds like I was just standing there looking back at him but I was really freaked out by this. Complete paranoia surrounded me the rest of the hike . It was getting darker, and darker.

    It was about time to head back to the tent. On my way back from that, there was this tree, an odd looking tree, it had two thin trunks. This was odd, and it had some snow on the top. Strange, now that I think of it, its summer. It had branches that spread to other trees, and it had no leaves or needles. I heard wolves behind me, I looked back to see what in was and when I looked back. . . the tree was gone. After that I ran as fast as I could to my tent. But I kept hearing that dying moose sound behind me. And thats where I am now, sitting in my tent listening to these sounds. I don't think I'll sleep tonight, I need to keep my guard up. I will write back when this settles down. I need some answers now. I can only wait.

    Last edited by SlenderSuitMan on Sun Jan 13, 2013 1:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
    In Too Deep
    In Too Deep

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2012-10-09
    Age : 25
    Location : Ellensburg, WA

    The SlenderMan Journal Entry's Empty Journal Entry #3

    Post  CreepyPastaNation Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:37 pm

    Finally, its sunrise and I can get out of this nightmare of a forest! I'm going to get this tent packed as fast as I can or that THING will get me at dusk. I will write back after I get home. . .

    Ok I just put away all my stuff in my garage, an essence of peace is felt when I walked into my front door. I can relax instead of living every single night in terror! I don't know if I should report this to the police, it all seems like a prank to me. Nothing about this is funny or made up. I'm being serious, I'm scared shitless! None the less, I wont make that big of a deal about it cause, if it were me trying to scare people in the woods, I wouldn't want to get in trouble for it. But that tree thing, I can't seem to get the image out of my mind. I'll just watch some Television to get it of my mind. . .

    I didn't get to watch TV, you want to know why? Well here it is: The remote wasn't where I had left it earlier and I started to look for it. Then, the phone started to ring, so I picked it up, something I will regret forever! When I picking up I said "Hello?" like normal, but it was what followed that freaked me out the most. It was just pure static and a voice in the static that screamed "FOREST. DARKNESS. HIM." Then, there was loud THUD an my front door. I rushed to the door and jerked it open, only to find a note with a picture on it. It was poorly drawn and scribbled upon. But I could still make out its message: HE KNOW'S ALL. . . Oh and the picture was of a tall, thin man in a suit and tie. He had no facial features what so ever. he was standing in a pine forest as it appeared, But he didn't have hands, he had two strands on both sides. And I saw similar strands coming from his back. "It was just another prank" I thought to myself. But it felt too real. Oh look, its my remote. I'll just watch some Television to get it off my mind, again.
    The Doctor
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    The SlenderMan Journal Entry's Empty Re: The SlenderMan Journal Entry's

    Post  The Doctor Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:54 pm

    Listen, this is the wrong section for these kinds of posts. They belong in The Fandom section, as they are your creation. Also, we are merging the three posts into one. From now on, please put any future posts into the new topic made.
    In Too Deep
    In Too Deep

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2012-10-09
    Age : 25
    Location : Ellensburg, WA

    The SlenderMan Journal Entry's Empty Journal Entry #4

    Post  CreepyPastaNation Sun Jan 13, 2013 3:39 am

    I'v just got done watching the television. This so called "HIM" is that strange tree, this "HIM" is the thing tormenting with me every day. This will not stop. I can't sleep anymore because when I close my eyes, he is in my dreams, and when I open my eyes all my doors slam shut, even tho I swear I had shut them. I am this close to looking towards the internet for help. But if I enter any Blog Posts, they'll think I'm crazy, and if I search "HIM" up, then he may be more likely to kill me earlier. I don't know what to do. I don't even know if he can read or not. Why am I calling that thing "HIM" he's more of an "IT". Oh yeah, your probably wondering what the TV had to do with this. I actually never got to enjoy the television due to pure static on every channel. I hope it's just me seeing things. Trust me, it's better to think that way than to know that something is tormenting you. If you've ever been wanted dead, or if your a Hiker, Hunter, or Camper out in the woods and a pack of Wolves or a Bear is stalking you; yeah, thats the feeling. Its just pure fear. Nothing else. . . just fear. I have to keep up my "Normal Act" so that my fellow co-workers don't think I've gone insane. All of this helps. Being around people makes me feel so much more sane. But there is a problem. IT is even in the building I work in! He stands by my friends and they don't notice. I'm starting to feel sick. I will try to get some shut-eye. I'll write back in the morning.
    In Too Deep
    In Too Deep

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2012-10-09
    Age : 25
    Location : Ellensburg, WA

    The SlenderMan Journal Entry's Empty Journal Entry #5

    Post  CreepyPastaNation Sun Jan 13, 2013 1:47 pm

    Here's something new. I actually slept well last night. But there's a catch to it, there's a catch to everything it seems. I am ill, I keep having these flashes of visions. They depict locations, I'm in them and I'm looking for something. These aren't dreams, their visions, of the future? I have a horrible headache. I threw up not too long ago. Why is this happening? I called in sick for work, that seems great but, I'm all alone in my house. IT could get me at any moment and no one would be there to save me. It's not like they could do anything about it anyway. I am the only one who sees him. My stomach feels like it being stabbed. I have enough power in me to write and draw. Maybe i'll watch some video's on YouTube or something. If only I could reach my Laptop. I guess I'm going to have to get up and grab it.

    I'v finally got a source of entertainment. But it wont last long without the charger. Good thing I brought it with me. While I'm at it, I guess I'll use my multi word search engine and try to figure out what exactly "IT" is.

    I just realized that there is something wrong with this planet. We have so much to do and little time to do it. We've also destroyed a lot of it as well. But do you want to know what is really sad about Earth? We have The Slender Man. He is a creature of unknown origin. There are pictures of this thing, documentaries, "Lost Footage", and even games. Why would somebody make games about something that could kill all of us! Or at least some of us. . . If you think about it, everyone on this waste pile is bound to die one day. BUt no one wants to die so young, and no one wants to die not knowing what killed them. At this point, I'm not going to let myself sit here while The Slender man inches towards me. I will board up my windows and lock my doors. He's not going to get close to me. No, not like this. I'v seen the documentaries. This guy, he LIVED in Ireland and he studied the Slender Man. It was his 4th video when he disappeared. He went somewhere abandoned because of something no one wants to share. How could this be?! I'm going to find out what all this is about! When I get better, I'll travel across the globe in search of answers. But all I can do for now is wait. . . and look at him in the distance, maybe.
    In Too Deep
    In Too Deep

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2012-10-09
    Age : 25
    Location : Ellensburg, WA

    The SlenderMan Journal Entry's Empty SlenderMan Journal Entry #6

    Post  CreepyPastaNation Sun Feb 17, 2013 1:16 pm

    I. . . I am so sorry. I tried, I really tried; but he got me, and I am not going to last much longer.

    If anyone wants to know what happened, here it is:

    After 2 days of avoiding that creature, I managed to get out of the house and travel. It was successful, I was able to gather everything I needed and drive to the airport. I thought to myself that day "What if he could get me in an airplane?". That thought almost kept me from getting on that flight. Thank god that was not the case, otherwise, I would have had to drive or, or even walk! The flight was short lived, we hit a terrible formation of tremendous looking clouds. The plane shook violently, and did so until we were able to steady out the plane.

    We flew through the dark clouds for what seemed to be hours. Even when we were at our destination, the clouds hung over the sky. But the times during the peaceful flight, I had a dream. It was the last dream I will ever have, sadly. I was in a city, not a huge city like New York or Seattle, just a simple one. But all of the city was overgrown and abandoned. I walked down the only street that wasn't covered in debris and wrecked cars. That road led me to a gas station. I just stared at it for the longest time, until, the silence was broken and my head was pounding. I was in huge peril, everywhere I looked there was that SlenderMan figure. . . and he was getting closer and closer with every step.

    The tremendous shaking that the plane created woke me up, thankfully. So, I got of that plane, I was in Canada, my first investigation area. I felt hope in me that day, I could finally get a head start to finding out what this thing is. Oh sorry, you don't know why I chose Canada first. Someone contacted me saying that he knew a place where all my questions could be answered. The man told me to go to Canada, and I was happy; but he never told me his name. All he said was "good luck. . ." and then hung up the phone. That was it, that was my day of triumph! And that is how I got the idea to come to canada.

    Not soon after I left the airport, a man greeted me at the sidewalk. He was a cab driver offering to give a ride. I didn't tell him where I needed to go, he just drove me. After several hours, we arrived in Toronto, Ontario. I asked him "How much do I owe you?" he simply turned his head and said "Ah nothing, I know what you are trying to do, and I know your troubles. This one is free of charge!". 'What?!' I remember thinking to myself. But how did he know where I needed to be and what I was going to do!? But why am I complaining, after all, he did give me a free ride. Anyway, he dropped me of at a Motel. I walked in and got myself a room. On my way, I was in the hallways, this place looked like. . . like there had been a mass murder here. The walls had traces of red on them, and some of the rooms were boarded up. This was not the place I was looking for, nor was it pleasant. I found my room and walked in. This however was surprising to me. This room was untouched and very well done. I found a note on the bed. It read "We know what you are trying to do, and we award your bravery. So let me give you ONE warning: The SlenderMan is not a creature to be messed with by one person, but one person is all that can see him. That is you, and you have the chance to stop him. Please, do it for us, do it for the whole world. If you cannot stop him, then no one can! ~Chri#@%!& Clar$#"

    That note made me feel as if this was planned out. As if my every move was written out and I was just a show! No, no no no no NO! There was a revolver on the table next to me, and it had on shot in it. I knew what it was there for; but I am not dying without taking that SlenderMan with me! I tried to get some sleep, but I had a hard time doing so. The door kept opening and something was casting a shadow outside my window. What could this mean? Sleep was not an option, apparently. I spent that night planning and thinking of what I will do next. Then, as I looked to my left I saw. . . I saw, that masked person wait NO that masked thing! He was holding a note, of all things it was holding a note. Why, I do not know. He removed his mask, surprisingly. I saw her face. She was, sad and. . . and wanted me.

    She told me that she was the one that lead me here, but only to tell me something. She had aided the SlenderMan only because it forced her to. But no longer, she was done. "Wu-why did you torment me like this!!" I shouted. She had that same expression on her face. She said that I am not the only one out there that is being stalked by him. I knew that, of corse, but I wanted to know more. She put her finger on my lips and whispered in my ear "Your time is running short" and then she walked to the gun. I stood there motionless, in. . . well I do not know the emotion, but I remember her putting the mask back on and then putting the gun to her head saying "Forgive me".

    I saw her eyes though that mask, I saw fear and regret, and I saw a young girl who's life was taken away from her by that SlenderMan. I was not going to let her die like this, no, I was not going to let here death be meaningless. We all have our limits, and mine were being pushed! I held her close to me for the rest of that night. Crying for hours knowing that SlenderMan is watching me right now, laughing although he has no face. My pain equals his joy.

    When the sun arose, I grabbed my stuff and walked out the door. The man didn't ask for money, he just looked at me and smiled. I was going to walk North and find that place she was talking about. I did not put that in here, I'm sorry, but some things must be kept a secret. I walked miles in the hot sun. I found an abandoned town, you could not find it on the map because I already checked. Nothing. It was starting to piece itself together. This was that town in my dream, and I was walking down that same road. I found the gas station and I remembered the pain I felt when I stared at it. But I must, if my visions have led me here, then let them unravel. Like in my dream, my head started to pound heavily. I was on my knees, constantly darting my head side to side just to be sure that SlenderMan wasn't near.

    But there it was, staring at me. I arose from the ground and looking it the face. "Listen! You have messed with me my entire life, and for what!? JUST LEAVE ME ALONE. . ." It just stood there, admiring the shire agony of me. I ran to my right and continued until I struck a car, it was operational from what it looks. I ran towards it and opened the door. I found the keys in the glovebox along with a message: "RUN" it said. and run I did. I stumbled across an abandoned house. It was very old from the looks of it; and was styled from the 1700's. "How?" I remember thinking to myself. But I took the moment drive strait towards it.

    I was able to get inside. There was pictures and documents all over the walls. They all were about the SlenderMan. I never knew that he was THIS big of a deal. Everything I needed to know about it was staring me in the face. But was it worth it? No, it wasn't, but I at least had to collect every one of them. But just as I thought I was safe, there it was, looking at me through the window. I hated him and now look at what has happened! I am stuck in rubble, that asshole! I am slowly bleeding to death, I have no chance of ever being saved. The SlenderMan is there in the doorway staring at me. I knew it was he who crippled the house to trap me in here. And now I have doomed the whole world. It was me who was supposed to stop and it was me who failed.

    If anyone finds this journal, please let it be known that the SlenderMan is still out there, and he wants to see you in misery!

    ~Charley Forman

    These journal entries were found in the wreckage of a house in Ontario. A local police officer noticed that there was a backpack containing item of such pictures and documents. The corps of Charley Forman were found buried in rubble. No signs of this so called "SlenderMan".

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